Do you ever feel like life gets so busy that it is difficult to find time to have coffee with one of your oldest friends, or that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish anything. Better yet, we're librarians right, but how often do we actually have time to read for pleasure! There are so many ways to be connected these days, yet, it seems like I see actual people less and less. It's funny, if one was ever wondering what it might feel like to have so many social obligations (a la the queen of England), well, sometimes it feels like my digital life is overextended...Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, blogs to read...There is so much to read, update, and keep tabs on sometimes it just feels a little overwhelming!
I had a twitter account before CoolTools, but I never used it. I have to say, after watching the video clip, and then setting up a Paper.Li account I have a renewed interest. BTW-Follow me @erinmjankowski. is like a blog reader for twitter. I like it.
I found an interesting article on using Google + in schools as a social networking alternative to Facebook. was originally posted on Buffy Hamiliton's Paper.Li. It's worth checking out.
I did set up a for myself. Can't say that I will be able to have time to check it often, but I am getting a renewed interest in twitter because of it. I will say this. With the growing social networking options out there, and the uses for professional growth, I will never be at a loss for something to read.