Friday, June 29, 2012

Thing 10-Yeah!!!

So when I saw the assignment for this Thing, I was excited.  I have been meaning to Migrate my school website from the easy, but boring Teacher Web, to something a bit more exciting.  I commandeered MenandsSchoolLibrary (not that there would be another one) through wikispaces, about a year ago, but hadn't done much with it.  In order to cater to my youngest students I wanted to use Glogster to make the pages more picture oriented.  Unfortunately, Glogster changed their format mid-year and I have to renew my educator account, because many of their free tools are now fee tools.

Summer reading lists are normally provided by the public library in our district and this year, they did not offer them.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until a week before school got out.  I had made a big push to get students on Overdrive for summer reading, but  I didn't have any set lists.  I want kids to read what they like, not necessarily what I, or some other adult, things they would like.  So I used my Wikispaces page to create a pathfinder for summer reading resources.

I don't know that I love Wikispaces for a long-term solution on my quest for the perfect website format  I plan on investigating Google Sites later in the summer, and possibly Weebly based on some of the information provided on the Cool Tools site and examples provided.

I have used Word Press before and I don't love it.  I don't know why, I just don't love it.  It does not seem intuitive.  Perhaps I will give that another shot as well.

I linked my Summer Reading pathfinder to my borrowing Teacher Web page.  Click here.  You can also check out some of the other items I have put on the wiki.

I really liked Alicia's digital portfolio and may try to create something similar.  Now that we have to formally document everything we do for APPR it might be helpful to be able to do that digitally.

I am certain I am found so decent alternatives in my quest to move toward an increasingly paperless library program.

I will update my blog on my further playing with Weebly and Google sites.


  1. Nice job on the wiki! And, even though I'm a big WordPress fan, I'm really loving what I've seen people doing with weebly. Seems like such a simple way to get a great site going.

  2. Thanks. I may have to give WordPress another go. I like what I see on other people's sites, I just find there process of getting there to be less than quick.
